Type Alias CommandParams<R>

CommandParams: {
    goto?: string | Send | (string | Send)[];
    graph?: string;
    resume?: R;
    update?: Record<string, unknown> | [string, unknown][];

Type Parameters

  • R

Type declaration

  • Optionalgoto?: string | Send | (string | Send)[]

    Can be one of the following:

    • name of the node to navigate to next (any node that belongs to the specified graph)
    • sequence of node names to navigate to next
    • Send object (to execute a node with the input provided)
    • sequence of Send objects
  • Optionalgraph?: string

    Graph to send the command to. Supported values are:

    • None: the current graph (default)
    • GraphCommand.PARENT: closest parent graph
  • Optionalresume?: R

    Value to resume execution with. To be used together with interrupt.

  • Optionalupdate?: Record<string, unknown> | [string, unknown][]

    Update to apply to the graph's state.